- 時間:金曜日15:30〜
- 場所:A707
- 機械翻訳です
- 07/1/11
- 全員進捗報告
- 06/12/12
- kenji-fu: EBMT システム紹介
- jessic-r: 進捗報告
- 06/12/07
- eric-n: RBMT システム紹介
- mamoru-k: SMT システム紹介
- jessic-r: 進捗報告
- 06/11/30 今後の予定の打ち合わせ
- 06/11/10 shimpei-m
- title = Disambiguation Strategies for Data-Oriented Translation
- author = Mary Hearne and Andy Way
- proceedings = EAMT 2006
- 06/11/03 文化の日でお休み
- 06/10/27 yuchan-c
- 06/10/20 eric-n
- 06/10/13 hiroki-su
- title = 論文を模索中
- 06/10/06
- 打ち合わせ
- 06/08/07-09
- IWSLT 2006 Evaluation Campaign
- http://www.slt.atr.jp/IWSLT2006/
- 06/07/28 shimpei-m
- title = Contextual Bitext-Derived Paraphrases in Automatic MT Evaluation
- author = Karolina Owczarzak, Declan Groves, Josef Van Genabith and Andy Way
- proceedings = HLT/NAACL 2006
- 06/07/21
- 06/07/07 mamoru-k
- title = Chunk-based Statistical Translation
- author = Taro Watanabe, Eiichro Sumita and Hiroshi G. Okuno
- proceedings = ACL 2003
- 06/06/30 kenji-fu
- title = Machine Translation by Interation between Paraphraser and Transfer
- author = Kazuhide Yamamoto
- 06/06/23 eric-n
- title = Going Beyond AER: An Extensive Analysis of Word Alignments and Their Impact on MT
- author = Necip Fazil Ayan and Bonnie Dorr
- proceedings = ACL/Coling 2006
- 06/06/16 yuchan-c
- 06/06/09 ling-g
- title = Re-evaluating the Role of BLEU in Machine Translation Research
- author = Chris Callison-Burch, Miles Osborne and Philipp Koehn
- proceedings = EACL 2006
- 06/06/02 中止
- 06/05/26 M1 試験前なので中止
- 06/05/19 mamoru-k
- title = Clause Restructuring for Statistical Machine Translation
- author = Michael Collins, Philipp Koehn, Ivona Kucerova
- year = ACL 2005
- 06/05/12 kenji-fu
- title = Training Data Modification for SMT Considering Groups of Synonymous Sentences
- author = Hideki Kashioka
- year = ACL 2005 Workshop on Empirical Modeling of Semantic Equivalence and Entailment
- 06/05/05 GWで休憩
- 06/04/28 yuchan-c
- title = The Effect of Adding Rules into the Rule-based MT System
- author = ZHU Jiang, WANG Haifeng
- year = MTsubmit 2005
- 06/04/21 kickoff
- MT システム LOGON のデモ(eric-n)