ことばの性質の解明を目指した勉強会です。言語に存在する普遍性に関する研究や、文法理論に基づく parsing に関する研究などを含みます。進捗報告と論文紹介を行います。
参加者 (17/4/14現在)
- staff: 能地
- D3: 近藤
- D1: 吉川
- M2: 小比田, 井上
- M1: 堀江, Michael
- 毎週 金曜日 15:10 〜
- 7/7 M1のだれか
- 4/14 能地 (kick off)
- On the Similarities Between Native, Non-native and Translated Texts. ACL 2016.
- 4/19 (水) 17:00 こひた
- 4/28 13:30 井上
- 5/12 Michael
- 5/19 堀江
- 5/26 こひた
- 6/9 近藤
- 6/16 井上
- 『言語類型論入門』:第1部1章から3章まで
- 6/30 堀江
Dependency length
- Daniel Gildea and David Temperley. Do Grammars Minimize Dependency Length? Cognitive Science 2010.
- Kristina Gulordava, Paola Merlo, and Benoit Crabbé. Dependency length minimisation effects in short spans: a large-scale analysis of adjective placement in complex noun phrases. ACL 2015.
- Richard Futrell, Kyle Mahowald, and Edward Gibson. Large-scale evidence of dependency length minimization in 37 languages. PNAS 2015.
Universal Dependencies
- Dingquan Wang and Jason Eisner. The Galactic Dependencies treebanks: Getting more data by synthesizing new languages. TACL 2016.
- Kristina Gulordava and Paola Merlo, Multi-lingual Dependency Parsing Evaluation: a Large-scale Analysis of Word Order Properties using Artificial Data. TACL 2016.
- On the Similarities Between Native, Non-native and Translated Texts. ACL 2016.
- Joachim Bingel and Anders Søgaard. Text Simplification as Tree Labeling. ACL 2016.
Grammatical theory
- Mark Steedman. Syntactic Process. MIT Press 2010.
- Mike Lewis and Mark Steedman. A* CCG Parsing with a Supertag-factored Model. EMNLP 2014.
- Emily Pitler, Sampath Kannan, and Mitchell Marcus. Finding Optimal 1-Endpoint-Crossing Trees. TACL 2013.
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez. Restricted Non-Projectivity: Coverage vs. Efficiency. CL 2016.