- Monday 15:10-
- 連絡事項は内部SNSのコミュニティで行います.
- (内部向け)このページを編集する場合は,右の「Parsing勉強会2018」を編集してください.
- staff: shindo
- D3: akihiko-k, yuichiro-s, (an-ng)
- D2:
- D1: yiran-wa, hiroki-t
- M2: tatsuya-h, takayoshi-s, tomoki-m
- M1: yuki-yama
- 2018/04/16
- yuichiro-s
- 2018/04/23
- akihiko-k
- 2018/05/14
- tatsuya-h, tomoki-m
- 2018/05/21
- takayoshi-s
- 2018/05/28
- yiran-wa, ukyo-h
- 2018/06/04
- yuichiro-s, hiroki-t
- 2018/06/11
- tatsuya-h
- 2018/10/01
- takayoshi-s
- tomoki-m
- 2018/10/09
- akihiko-k
- 2018/10/16
- tatsuya-h, yuki-yama
- 2018/10/22
- takayoshi-s
- 2018/10/30
- go-in (ゼミナール2回目発表練習)
- akihiko-k
- 2018/11/5
- yuichiro-s
- tatsuya-h
- 2018/11/15
- tomoki-m (PACLIC発表練習)
- 2018/11/19(論文読み会)
- ACL, EMNLPから3本(15分程度)
- takayoshi-s
- Neural Adversarial Training for Semi-supervised Japanese Predicate-argument Structure Analysis
- Neural Latent Relational Analysis to Capture Lexical Semantic Relations in a Vector Space
- Jointly Predicting Predicates and Arguments in Neural Semantic Role Labeling
- tatsuya-h
- Subword Regularization: Improving Neural Network Translation Models with Multiple Subword Candidates
- Subword-level Word Vector Representations for Korean
- Chinese NER Using Lattice LSTM
- 12/3の担当を決める。
- 2018/11/26
- ACL, EMNLPから3本(15分程度)
- hshindo
- yuki-yama
- コロキアム発表練習
- Textual Analogy Parsing: What’s Shared and What’s Compared among Analogous Facts
- tomoki-m
- Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention for Semantic Role Labeling
- Parameter sharing between dependency parsers for related languages
- 2018/12/3
- yuichiro-s
- Towards Dynamic Computation Graphs via Sparse Latent Structure
- Hard Non-Monotonic Attention for Character-Level Transduction
- Mapping natural language commands to web elements
- ukyo-h
- Linear Algebraic Structure of Word Senses, with Applications to Polysemy
- A Probabilistic Model for Joint Learning of Word Embeddings from Texts and Images
- Illustrative Language Understanding: Large-Scale Visual Grounding with Image Search
- yuichiro-s
- 2018/12/10 (16:50-)
- takayoshi-s
- yuki-yama
Dependency Parsing
Semantic Parsing
- A Discriminative Graph-Based Parser for the Abstract Meaning Representation, ACL 2014
- Combined Distributional and Logical Semantics, TACL 2013
- Joint Arc-factored Parsing of Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies, TACL 2013
- Modeling Semantic Relations Expressed by Prepositions, TACL 2013
- Discriminative Lexical Semantic Segmentation with Gaps: Running the MWE Gamut, TACL 2014
Named Entity
- A Probabilistic Model for Canonicalizing Named Entity Mentions, ACL 2012
- Joint Parsing and Named Entity Recognition, NAACL 2009
- Minimally-Supervised Morphological Segmentation using Adaptor Grammars, TACL 2013
- Joint Morphological and Syntactic Analysis for Richly Inflected Languages, TACL 2013