毎週水曜日 / Every Wednesday 13:30-14:30
C(中国語)J(日本語)E(英語)など言語を問わず基礎レベルの言語解析に関連する研究を行う。 We study all aspects of linguistic analysis (including morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse, and joint modeling), with the goal of gaining a holistic perspective of computational linguistics.
Schedule 2013 Academic Year
- 4/17 kickoff
- kevinduh: Dan Garrette and Jason Baldridge, Learning a Part-of-Speech Tagger from Two Hours of Annotation (NAACL2013)
- 4/24
- joseph (progress report)
- xiaodong: Akihiro et al. Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable Corpora Using Label Propagation (EMNLP2012)
- 5/1: Holiday (Golden Week)
- 5/8
- yan-yan (progress report)
- erlyn: Song, et al., A Cost Sensitive Part-of-Speech Tagging: Differentiating Serious Errors from Minor Errors (ACL 2012)
- 5/15
- xiaodong (progress report)
- elga: Stuart Webb and Eve Kagimoto, Learning Collocations
- 5/22
- erlyn (progress report)
- sorami-h: P. Vincent et al., Stacked Denoising Autoencoders: Learning Useful Representations in a Deep Network with a Local Denoising Criterion
- 5/29
- oka (presentation practice for JSAI2013)
- frances: Marta Recasens et al., Linguistic Models for Analyzing and Detecting Biased Language; C. Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al., A computational approach to politeness with application to social factor
- 6/5
- hayato-n (progress report)
- akifumi-y: Stephen Clark et al., Building Deep Dependency Structures with a Wide-Coverage CCG Parser
- 6/12
- elga (progress report)
- joseph: Jakob Elming et al., Down-stream effects of tree-to-dependency conversions; Olutobi Owoputi et al., Improved Part-of-Speech Tagging for Online Conversational Text with Word Clusters
- 6/19
- fei-c (progress report)
- oka: Anders Søgaard, Zipfian corruptions for robust POS tagging,
- 6/26
- erlyn (progress report)
- kobayashi: Judita Preiss et al., Unsupervised Domain Tuning to Improve Word Sense Disambiguation
- 7/3
- xiaodong (progress report)
- nishimura: 佐々木彬, 水野淳太, 岡崎直観, 乾健太郎, 機械学習に基づくマイクロブログ上のテキストの正規化
- 7/10
- oka(progress report)
- fei-c
- 7/17
- akifumi-y (progress report)
- xiaoyi-w: W Daelemans,Toward an exemplar-based computational model for cognitive grammar
- 7/24
- yanyan-l (defense practice)
- 7/31
- xiaoyi-w (progress report)
- xiaodong-l CoNLL practice talk
- 10/2
- Organization meeting
- 10/9
- yanyan: IJCNLP practice talk
- fei-c: IJCNLP WORKSHOP practice talk
- 10/16
- kensuke-mi
- xiaoyi-w:『SLMの本質・DOPの原理・CGの流儀』 free talk(30 min)
- 10/23
- hayato-n: Progress Report: Morphological analysis of Japanese dialect using the dialect text data
- erlyn-m: Progress Report
- 10/30
- xiaodong-l: Progress Report
- 11/6
- dfried: Progress Report
- yu-ma: Istv�n Nagy T. et al., Full-coverage Identification of English Light Verb Constructions (IJCNLP 2013)
- 11/13
- hiroki-o
- masahiro-mk
- 11/20
- joseph-i
- hayato-n
- 11/27
- Cancel: IWPT
- 12/4
- kazuya-ko: Progress Report
- mai-om: Progress Report
- 12/18
- masahiro-mk: Yulia Tsvetkov et al., Cross-Lingual Metaphor Detection Using Common Semantic Features
- 2014/1/15
- joseph-i: I will describe 3 graphical models for predicting verbs, with equations for calculating predictive probability of new words
- 2014/1/22
- xiaodong-l: (Progress Report) I will report the character representations for Chinese Word Segmentation.
- 2014/1/29
- erlyn-m
- xiaoyi-w (NL研 practice)
- 2014/2/5
- 2014/2/12
- kazuya-ko: presentation practice
- 2014/2/19
- hiroki-o
- 2014/2/26
- 2014/03/05
- jun-li