言語教育(日本語,英語)への自然言語処理技術の応用に関する勉強会. 考えられるテーマには次のようなものがある.
- 言語学習のためのコーパスの利用
- 言語学習のための問題自動作成
- 学習者の作文の誤り検出・流暢性の判定
- 言語学習・言語教育の支援システムの構築
- 言語学習・言語教育に必要な言い換え知識の獲得
- I期: 月曜日17:00-
- II期: 月曜日19:00-
- III期: 月曜日15:10-
- IV期: 木曜日16:00-
- eNLP
主な参加者 (この勉強会で進捗報告する人)
- 中川, Budi, 北裏, 水本, 坂口, 藤野, 澤井, 林部, 三澤, 光瀬
Next up (tentative)
- 2013/02/18-22 修士論文発表会
- 2013/02/07 17:00 修士論文提出〆切
- 2013/01/28 15:10 progress report: hiromi-o, tomoya-kos, tomoya-m, M2 w/ Arase-san
- 2013/01/21 15:10 progress report: tomoya-m, M2; CICP rehearsal: yu-s
- 2013/01/17 16:00 progress report: kensuke-mi, M2; paper presentation: ippei-y
- Ross Israel, Joel R. Tetreault, Martin Chodorow: Correcting Comma Errors in Learner Essays, and Restoring Commas in Newswire Text. HLT-NAACL 2012
- 2013/01/15 (Tue) 23:59 言語処理学会年次大会原稿〆切
- yuta-h, yu-s
- 2013/1/10 18:00 progress report: budi-i,yuta-h; paper reading: kensuke-mi
- Fan Bu,Hang Li,Xiaoyan Zhu, "String re-writing Kernel",ACL 2012. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2390587
- 2012/12/27 16:00 progress report: yu-s, tomoya-kos, takuya-fu
- 2012/12/17 COLING overview: komachi; progress report: yu-s, tomoya-kos
- 2012/12/07 17:00 COLING rehearsal
- keisuke-sa
- 2012/12/03 progress report: keisuke-sa (mthesis toc), tomoya-kos, tomoya-m (COLING poster)
- 2012/11/26 mthesis table of contents: yu-s, takuya-fu, ryuta-k
- 2012/11/19 progress report: keisuke-sa, ryuta-k, takuya-fu
- 2012/11/12 paper reading: tomoya-kos; progress report: yuta-h, kensuke-mi
- Jenine Turner and Eugene Charniak. 2007. Language Modeling for Determiner Selection. In Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2007.
- http://aclweb.org/anthology-new/N/N07/N07-2045.pdf
- 2012/11/06 (Tue) 11:00 paper reading: kensuke-mi, progress report: yutaro-s
- Stefan Bott, Horacio Saggion, "An Unsupervised Alignment Algorithm for Text Simplification Corpus Construction", ACL: MTTG '11 Proceedings of the Workshop on Monolingual Text-To-Text Generation.
- 2012/10/29 paper reading: hiromi-o, progress report: takuya-fu, tomoya-m
- Ben Swanson and Elif Yamangil. Correction Detection and Error Type Selection as an ESL Educational Aid. In Proc. of NAACL HLT 2012 (short paper).
- 2012/10/22 paper reading: yu-s, progress report: tomoya-kos, yu-s
- Daniel Dahlmeier and Hwee Tou Ng. A Beam-Search Decoder for Grammatical Error Correction. In Proc. of EMNLP 2012. http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~nght/pubs/emnlp12_gec.pdf
- 2012/10/15 progress report: kensuke-mi, hiromi-o, budi-i
- 2012/07/30 進捗:keisuke-sa, kensuke-mi, takuya-fu
- 2012/07/23 進捗:tomoya-m, yuta-h, ryuta-k
- 2012/07/17 17:00-18:30 論文:komachi (ACL/EMNLP の言語教育関係の論文の簡単な紹介), 進捗:tomoya-m
- ACL/EMNLP 2012 review (eNLP version) acl-emnlp2012-enlp.pptx
- 2012/07/09 ACL のためお休み (07/09-14)
- 2012/07/02 19:00- 論文:yuta-h, 進捗:takuya-fu
- Bergsma, Shane and Post, Matt and Yarowsky, David. 2012. Stylometric Analysis of Scientific Articles. NAACL-HLT.
- 2012/06/25 19:00- 論文:takuya-fu, 発表練習:toshikazu-t
- 岡野原大輔, 辻井潤一. Shift-Reduce 操作に基づく未知語を考慮した形態素解析. 言語処理学会第14回年次大会発表論文集 (NLP2008). March 2008.
- 2012/06/18 19:00- 論文:ryuta-k, 進捗:yu-s
- 2012/06/11 18:30- 進捗:yu-s, tomoya-m (JSAI 発表練習2)
- 2012/06/04 論文:komachi, 進捗:tomoya-m (JSAI 発表練習)
- Daniel Dahlmeier and Hwee Tou Ng. Better Evaluation for Grammatical Error Correction. NAACL 2012: Short papers, pp.568-572. http://aclweb.org/anthology-new/N/N12/N12-1067.pdf
- 2012/05/28 論文:yu-s, 進捗:keisuke-sa HOO 発表練習 (=6月7日)
- Wang, T. and Hirst, G., "Near-synonym lexical choice in latent semantic space", Coling 2010. http://aclweb.org/anthology-new/C/C10/C10-1133.pdf
- 2012/05/21 論文:tomoya-m, 進捗:keisuke-sa
- Nagata, Ryo and Kakegawa, Jun-ichi and Sugimoto, Hiromi and Yabuta, Yukiko. 2008. Recognizing Noisy Romanized Japanese Words in Learner English. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications. http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W/W08/W08-0904.pdf
- 2012/05/14 論文:keisuke-sa, 進捗:yuta-h
- Zhuowei Bao; Benny Kimelfeld; Yunyao Li, 2011. A Graph Approach to Spelling Correction in Domain-Centric Search. ACL 2011. http://aclweb.org/anthology-new/P/P11/P11-1091.pdf
- 2012/05/07 論文:yuta-h, 進捗:keisuke-sa (NL研発表練習=5月11日)
- Baldwin T, Kordoni V, Villavicencio. Prepositions in applications: A survey and introduction to the special issue. Computational Linguistics. 2009;35(2):119-149. http://aclweb.org/anthology-new/J/J09/J09-2001.pdf
- 2012/04/30 GWのためお休み
- 2012/04/23 論文:komachi, 進捗:takeshi-na
- Ryo Nagata, Edward Whittaker, Vera Sheinman. 2011. Creating a manually error-tagged and shallow-parsed learner corpus. ACL 2011. http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P/P11/P11-1121.pdf
- 2012/04/16 17:00 kickoff meeting
- NAACL 2012
- Ross Israel, Joel Tetreault, Martin Chodorow. Correcting Comma Errors in Learner Essays, and Restoring Commas in Newswire Text.
- Ben Swanson and Elif Yamangil. Correction Detection and Error Type Selection as an ESL Educational Aid.
- Yi Ma, Eric Fosler-Lussier, Robert Lofthus. Ranking-based readability assessment for early primary children's literature.
- Daniel Dahlmeier and Hwee Tou Ng . Better Evaluation for Grammatical Error Correction.
- AIED 2009 Tutorial on Educational Natural Language Processing
- COLING 2008 Tutorial on Educational Natural Language Processing
- Robo-Sensei http://usf.usfca.edu/japanese/nagata.html
- 寺村誤用コーパス http://teramuradb.ninjal.ac.jp/
- 誤用タグつき
- 日本語学習者の作文コーパス (リンク切れ) http://cookie.lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp/pub/
- 誤用タグつき
- 作文対訳DB http://jpforlife.jp/taiyakudb.html
- 複数の添削者、複数の母語、母語による対訳
- 日本語学習者言語コーパス http://cblle.tufs.ac.jp/llc/ja/index.php?menulang=ja
- 品詞タグつき
- JLPTUFS作文コーパス http://repository.tufs.ac.jp/handle/10108/57683
- 台湾日本語学習者コーパス http://corpora.flld.ncku.edu.tw/index.pl
- 日本語学習者コーパス「なたね」 http://hinoki.ryu.titech.ac.jp/natane/misuse_search
- International Corpus of Learners of Japanese "ICLEAJ" http://icleaj.info/
- 日本語学習者コーパス検索 (筑波大学李研究室) http://sakubun.jpn.org/
- 日本語会話DB http://www.env.kitakyu-u.ac.jp/corpus/
- 発話対照DB http://jpforlife.jp/hatsuwadb.html
- 名大会話コーパス http://dbms.ninjal.ac.jp/nuc/index.php?mode=viewnuc
- KYコーパス http://opi.jp/shiryo/ky_corp.html
- CHILDES (日本語の幼児のコーパスが含まれている(L1)) http://childes.psy.cmu.edu/index.html